Quake 4 MOD『Rocket Arena 4 (RA4)』のベータ0.5がリリースされました。
過去にRA4を紹介したのはいつだったかと思い検索してみたところ、昨年5月にベータ0.3を紹介したのが最後でした。 しかし、Changelogをみると開発は地道に続けられていたようです。
このベータ0.5は、正式公開したものではないようで、基本的に未サポートとのことです。 導入する際は、バックアップをとるなどしてからにしたほうがよさそうです。
are there good maps out yet?
it seems that this release contains no new maps. but at least its compatible with 1.4PR:)
have you played the ra4 maps fuzz? i have only played the 1st release which had bad maps 🙁
i played ra4 not so much, to be honest. Maybe 3,or 4 times? i dont remenber exactly. but Maps were so nice, i remembered.
are there good maps out yet?
it seems that this release contains no new maps.
but at least its compatible with 1.4PR:)
have you played the ra4 maps fuzz? i have only played the 1st release which had bad maps 🙁
i played ra4 not so much, to be honest.
Maybe 3,or 4 times? i dont remenber exactly.
but Maps were so nice, i remembered.