Fnatic がCS:GO部門のメンバー変更を発表しました。
【CS:GO試合結果】#IEM KATOWICE 🧡 グループステージ
残念ながら、BO3試合 vs Astralisは1:2敗北でした。GG!
あと一歩のところでしたが、プレーオフには進出できませんでした。結果はベスト12でした!🥳もっともっと強くなって戻ってきます。応援ありがとうございました!#AlwaysFnatic #FNCWIN pic.twitter.com/0JNr5B2cYD
— FNATIC JAPAN (@FNATIC_JP) February 21, 2022
smooyaのIEM Katowiceに向けた懸命な取り組みと素晴らしいプレーについて感謝しています。しかしながら、smooyaは現在のCS:GOメインロスターには適さないという結論に達しました。smooyaが今後について選択肢を探ることが出来るようにするには、いまが最良のタイミングだと考えています。
I have many things I’d like to say but probably best to leave it at this. Tried my hardest coming out of the player break to become a much better teammate which lead to horrible in-game performances. Not the right mix of people I suppose, worked for awhile on skill alone🤔!
— Owen Butterfield (@smooyacs) February 21, 2022
Honestly not many things I would have done differently, some things in life are not meant to work. I’m now a huge believer that top teams cant work if people don’t like each other ingame/outside of game. Anything that is only professional will only go so far
Time to eat😘😘
— Owen Butterfield (@smooyacs) February 21, 2022
Lastly huge shoutout to @FNATIC and @SamuelssonCSGO for pushing to give me my chance on the starting roster in the first place. Was a good experience with more wins than losses which is always good!
I’m sorry it didn’t end the way we expected but again huge thank you for trying
— Owen Butterfield (@smooyacs) February 21, 2022
smooya選手にかわり、Fnatic CS:GOのメインチームに加わることになりました。
I will be replacing @smooyacs in @FNATIC csgo main team. I will play full time csgo, I will follow my dream because that is the biggest opportunity ever.
You know what Eminem said: if you had one shot or one opportunity… I most definitely want to capture it
— Iulian Harjau (@regalicsgo) February 21, 2022